The Student Services department plays an important role in each student’s development and educational experience at Dowling Catholic. Upon enrollment, each student is assigned an academic advisor who will remain with the student over the next four years.
Our counselors support students in a variety of ways, including academic course planning and social and emotional assistance as needed. The counselors meet with students individually at least once each year, and are available for additional parent/student meetings upon request. The Student Services department also includes two Interventionists, a College Coordinator, Campus Ministry and a Community Liaison.
Student Services Vision
All students from the Dowling Catholic High School will have academic, emotional, social, and career readiness skills to be faith-filled productive members of society. As a result of the comprehensive School Counseling Program, our students will be life-long learners equipped to accomplish their postsecondary life and career goals.
Student Services Mission
The Dowling Catholic school counseling programs' overarching focus is to create an environment that supports and celebrates all students academically, socially and emotionally, and help them access resources to support their needs as they grow into young adults and lifelong learners.